31 10, 2021

Ramsdale heroics underline Arsenal’s credentials

By |2021-10-31T09:25:14+00:00October 31st, 2021|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Match Review, Mikel Arteta, premier league|0 Comments

What a performance that was yesterday, eh? On Friday night week before last we were worried about whether this team would be able to sustain the momentum of the streak we were on. An unconvincing draw with Palace (who, despite the fact they played City with 10 men for a whole half, still picked up [...]

25 10, 2021

The perfect weekend and the perfect Arsenal partnership up top?

By |2021-10-25T08:25:58+01:00October 25th, 2021|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Attack, gooners, Gunners, Mikel Arteta, premier league, Tactics|0 Comments

As weekends go, that was pretty tasty, from an Arsenal perspective wasn't it? We had our win on Friday, which meant we could just watch the games pan out knowing we had done our job. Then we had Everton stunned against Watford, followed by yesterday's results, which were almost perfect. First the Scum were beaten [...]

1 02, 2021

Arsenal hold the transfer cards; maybe a start for Odegaard?

By |2021-02-01T08:02:13+00:00February 1st, 2021|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Mikel Arteta, premier league, press conference, Transfers|0 Comments

Morning folks. Another Monday comes rolling around but unlike most Monday's, this one has the hyperbole of being labelled 'Transfer Deadline Day', which means Sky Sports go nuts all wearing silly yellow ties and dresses, they talk a little faster on Sky Sports News, they inject some kind of faux urgency into a day that is [...]

26 10, 2020

Arsenal are a bit pants in the final third

By |2020-10-26T08:27:46+00:00October 26th, 2020|Arsenal FC, Attack, Match Review, Mikel Arteta, premier league, Tactics|0 Comments

Ahh man. Where to even start after a disappointing defeat like yesterday? Fair play to Leicester. They did a proper smash and grab raid on us at home, but it's hard not to look at that game and think that the defeat we were dealt last night was entirely of our own making. That game [...]

19 10, 2020

Will injuries determine how far Arsenal go this season?

By |2020-10-19T08:10:40+01:00October 19th, 2020|Arsenal FC, Europa League, gooners, Gunners, History, injuries, Mikel Arteta, premier league|0 Comments

Morning gooners and welcome to another week. Last night I made a roast dinner which took a while as it was roast pork, but during said meal preparation, I decided to watch the Tiny Totts against West Ham. I missed the start but managed to switch on right at the moment in which the Totts [...]

2 02, 2019

Suarez the low-risk, Arshavinesque, opportunity

By |2019-02-02T09:02:49+00:00February 2nd, 2019|Arsenal Transfers, gooners, Gunners, premier league, Transfers, Unai Emery|1 Comment

Work got in the way of me blogging yesterday, which is always a bit of a pain in the arse, but with another 24 hours at least until we play City and with Arsenal just signing the one player this January, it's not as if there was tonnes to talk about anyway, was there? Suarez [...]

13 08, 2017

A lovely weekend for Gooners, despite Alexis situation

By |2017-08-13T09:07:59+01:00August 13th, 2017|Arsenal FC, Attack, gooners, Gunners, premier league, soccer|0 Comments

This is shaping up to be quite the weekend, football results wise, eh?  I decided to go for a long run yesterday afternoon and when I started my run I switched the radio on via my phone and started to jog just as Liverpool went 3-2 up. I thought "screw this, last thing I want [...]

11 08, 2017

Do we have enough at Arsenal? For tonight? The season?

By |2017-08-11T08:10:08+01:00August 11th, 2017|Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, Attack, Defence, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, midfield, premier league|1 Comment

It's match day. I'll be there tonight to see Arsenal as the Friday night curtain raiser against Leicester City and when the whistle goes I'll be roaring on my - and our - team against the Champions of two years ago. Is the squad ready for the whole season? Not in my opinion, because Arsène [...]

27 04, 2017

Gritty Arsenal find a way against Leicester. Just.

By |2017-05-19T19:51:02+01:00April 27th, 2017|Arsenal FC, Attack, Defence, Formation, gooners, Gunners, Match Review, premier league|0 Comments

Three on the bounce feels lovely this morning doesn't it? It certainly felt good when I knew the game was over and on the surface, this new formation looks decent, with three victories and an Arsenal team that look like they're building their confidence to play it more and more with each game. Whether it's [...]

25 02, 2017

Don’t expect this weekend, but hope for a utopian end of season for Arsenal

By |2017-05-19T19:51:09+01:00February 25th, 2017|analogy, Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, gooners, Gunners, premier league|0 Comments

Not a lot going on for us today, eh folks? I mean sure, i'll be you're filling your day with all manner of interesting things, but i'd be surprised if they are Arsenal-related thing, what with us not playing until Saturday evening against Liverpool. Me? I'm going to see if you really can get a [...]

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