15 04, 2023

The Saliba worry, the West Ham focus

By |2023-04-15T08:32:19+01:00April 15th, 2023|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, injuries, Mikel Arteta, premier league, Rant|0 Comments

Well we got our press conference from the boss yesterday and for me the one worrying thing that stood out was the Saliba update. We've all talked about it online, in the pubs amongst fellow Gooners, about how back injuries are apparently tough to get over and diagnose. But when you have an update from [...]

1 04, 2023

First of ten cup finals for The Arsenal: Leeds at home

By |2023-04-01T08:00:18+01:00April 1st, 2023|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Gunners, injuries, Match Preview, Mikel Arteta, premier league, press conference, Tactics|1 Comment

Morning folks and welcome to Saturday - match day! - and it is, as Martin Odegaard would put it, the first of our remaining ten 'cup finals' that we must overcome if we want to be champions of this here league. This is where it gets tough. This is where every game is going to [...]

31 03, 2023

Saliba’s injury and why we should all be worried about Holding long term

By |2023-03-31T07:55:08+01:00March 31st, 2023|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Defence, injuries, Mikel Arteta, premier league|2 Comments

I'm probably going to spend the vast bulk of today's ramblings talking about how worried I am with regards to William Saliba's fitness concerns, so before I do that, I'm taking a moment to remember the wonderful player that was David Rocastle. He sadly died 22 years ago today and whilst he didn't end his [...]

24 03, 2023

Round one of ‘Arsenal international damage report’ complete

By |2023-03-24T09:05:12+00:00March 24th, 2023|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, gooners, Gunners, injuries, Internationals|1 Comment

This is the worst part of the international break. It really is - as Arseblog puts it - the 'Interlull'. Eng-ger-land might have played yesterday, Harry Kane might have got himself another individual accolade in a team sport (well done Harry, hope you keep up your record in cup competitions too), but frankly I couldn't give [...]

22 03, 2023

Time to ask some Tomiyasu questions?

By |2023-03-22T08:45:07+00:00March 22nd, 2023|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Defence, History, injuries, Mikel Arteta, premier league|1 Comment

Happy Wednesday folks. How we all doing? A bit better than poor ol' Tomiyasu, who the club confirmed yesterday had undergone surgery on his knee and he will be out for the season. Such a shame. Such a big blow to such a good player, but sadly we're now in to the territory where we [...]

18 03, 2023

Time to ask a question about Tomiyasu?

By |2023-03-18T18:03:17+00:00March 18th, 2023|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Defence, injuries, Mikel Arteta, premier league|2 Comments

Morning Gooners, we all ok? I went out last night and hand a skin-full and my head is pounding, so please forgive me if today's blog looks a little rough around the edges; even tapping at the keyboard is painful right now ;-) We should get some kind of press conference / team news update [...]

12 03, 2023

Tough trip to the Cottage after Arsenal’s midweek exploits

By |2023-03-12T10:38:08+00:00March 12th, 2023|analysis, Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsenal Manager, Attack, Defence, Match Preview, Mikel Arteta, premier league|0 Comments

Arsenal released the words from Mikel Arteta for his press conference yesterday, which actually took place after the Sporting Lisbon game, so I guess all the journos were told it was under embargo until yesterday because a lot of the messaging didn't really come out about the game until the afternoon yesterday. So I guess [...]

11 03, 2023

Arsenal’s availability options have unearthed a surprising benefit – Martinelli up top

By |2023-03-11T08:16:31+00:00March 11th, 2023|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Attack, gooners, Gunners, injuries, Mikel Arteta, premier league|0 Comments

With Arsenal not playing until tomorrow afternoon, it is expected to be a quiet one from an Arsenal news perspective, I expect. Although because the team played on Thursday night in Lisbon, there will inevitably be some questions over some of the absentees for that game, because apparently there's been an illness bug going around [...]

3 03, 2023

Injuries and collapses of the past must not haunt Arsenal of today

By |2023-03-03T09:07:36+00:00March 3rd, 2023|Arsenal, Arsenal FC, History, injuries, premier league|0 Comments

Happy Friday folks. How are we all doing? Do you know, with all of the joy of the Arsenal game on Wednesday, I completely forgot that there were FA Cup games going on and as a result I completely missed that the Scum got knocked out to Sheffield United. Hahaha. I remember ready a messaged [...]

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