28 05, 2017

Arsenal surprise us all with masterful display

By |2017-05-28T17:55:31+01:00May 28th, 2017|Arsenal FC, Attack, Defence, FA Cup, gooners, Gunners, injuries, Match Review|1 Comment

How the flibberdee gibbet did that happen? Where on earth did that performance from Arsenal come come? What. The. Actual. Fugg. I turned up early at JJ Moons because I thought I needed to drown my sorrows before the game had even started. I spent four and a half hours telling people we didn't have [...]

27 05, 2017

Odds stacked against us, but hope remains on Cup final day

By |2017-05-27T08:40:27+01:00May 27th, 2017|Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, Attack, Defence, FA Cup, Formation, gooners, Gunners, History, Match Preview, midfield, Tactics|0 Comments

So here we are. We've arrived at what is now the single most important day of the season and it's a day that will quite literally be season defining: the FA Cup Final. A win will have seen this shambles of a season end with some semblance of positivity about it. A win would give [...]

26 05, 2017

Psychology of an Arsenal formation change 

By |2017-05-26T07:06:04+01:00May 26th, 2017|Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, Defence, FA Cup, History, injuries, Tactics|0 Comments

With the Cup final being the only remaining top flight game of the season, it's no surprise that all eyes are turning towards it, and the club themselves are no different from anyone else in that regard, yesterday releasing a lovely looking infographic which outlines some interesting facts about Arsenal and the FA Cup. Apparently [...]

23 05, 2017

Lucas is a tourist and Arsenal are a conker

By |2017-05-23T08:09:49+01:00May 23rd, 2017|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Attack, FA Cup, gooners, Gunners, Ownership and the board, premier league|0 Comments

Morning fellow Gooners. How are you feeling? Are you still reeling from the failure of the league campaign? Or are you like me, in this weird limbo in which you're not quite sure right now, given the circumstances?  Yes the league campaign was pretty shoddy and yes, the manager and players can and should be [...]

22 05, 2017

The stupidity of Kos 

By |2017-05-22T08:22:12+01:00May 22nd, 2017|Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, Champions League, Defence, FA Cup, gooners, Gunners, injuries, Match Review, premier league, Rant|0 Comments

I didn't go to the game yesterday, on account of other prior arrangements and if I'm honest, there was part of me that was quite glad about that fact. Glad because whenever I go along to The Arsenal I do get a lot more emotionally invested than when I stay away from football and so [...]

13 05, 2017

Can Arsenal still finish in the top four and win the FA Cup?

By |2017-07-15T10:48:44+01:00May 13th, 2017|Arsenal, Attack, Champions League, Defence, FA Cup, gooners, Gunners, Match Preview, premier league|2 Comments

In short, I don’t believe so, not both anyway. Given the way this season has gone it would be highly unlikely and yet, the fact that it is still even conceivable that it could happen is really quite amazing if you think about it. At times this season Arsenal have looked rudderless. We’ve lurched from [...]

12 05, 2017

Fitness question marks ahead of Mordor

By |2017-05-12T07:35:42+01:00May 12th, 2017|Arsenal FC, Defence, FA Cup, Formation, gooners, Gunners, premier league, press conference|0 Comments

Oddly, it doesn't look as though there's a press conference happening today and I think I read somewhere that the press conference was the one that took place immediately after the Wednesday game at Southampton. It'll be slightly odd to do it that way but given that the team will have travelled back on Wednesday [...]

6 05, 2017

In the darkest hours, a ray of light from the Totts

By |2017-05-06T08:23:47+01:00May 6th, 2017|Arsenal FC, Arsenal Transfers, Arsene Wenger, FA Cup, gooners, Gunners, premier league|3 Comments

Morning. I have a stinking cold which has kept me up half the night and really has been quite vexing. But despite that, logging in to my social media profiles and looking back over the failure of a Totts team to beat a West Ham side who were on the beach, looked like they were [...]

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