10 03, 2017

Welcome respite? Will the board listen? Will Arsène?

By |2017-05-19T19:51:07+01:00March 10th, 2017|analogy, analysis, Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, FA Cup, gooners, Gunners, press conference|0 Comments

Hey friends, how are you doing this Friday, eh? Looking forward to the FA Cup this weekend. Can I tell you something? I am. I really am. You know how commentators often mention that 'this could be a welcome distraction from the league' when talking about teams fighting relegation but still in the cup? Well [...]

27 02, 2017

We’ve got one hand left to play at Arsenal

By |2017-05-19T19:51:09+01:00February 27th, 2017|analogy, Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, finances, gooners, Gunners, Ownership and the board, Rant|4 Comments

Well as expected, Chelski scanned their way to another win, Stoke bent over and presented themselves for crayon-munching Kane to provide them with a metaphorical meat pounding and to complete the faecal matter infused flavour of the weekend, United completely skanked a Southampton team that were the better team throughout. Tonight we can complete the [...]

25 02, 2017

Don’t expect this weekend, but hope for a utopian end of season for Arsenal

By |2017-05-19T19:51:09+01:00February 25th, 2017|analogy, Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, gooners, Gunners, premier league|0 Comments

Not a lot going on for us today, eh folks? I mean sure, i'll be you're filling your day with all manner of interesting things, but i'd be surprised if they are Arsenal-related thing, what with us not playing until Saturday evening against Liverpool. Me? I'm going to see if you really can get a [...]

11 04, 2016

Changing the only constant left at The Arsenal

By |2017-05-19T20:11:07+01:00April 11th, 2016|analogy, Arsene Wenger, gooners, Gunners, History, premier league, Rant|6 Comments

As I watched the conclusion of The Masters yesterday, I took some comfort in the fact that as it turns out, it's not just Arsenal that choke under pressure in sport. Jordan Spieth, world number two and man who has controlled the entire competition, had a complete meltdown whilst cruising in front and allowed Britain Danny [...]

21 03, 2016

The Arsenal rollercoaster goes on

By |2017-05-19T20:11:10+01:00March 21st, 2016|analogy, Arsenal, Attack, gooners, Gunners, premier league, Tactics|0 Comments

Being an Arsenal fan has always been a rollercoaster of emotion, but right now at this moment in time, it feels like we're going through some kind of extreme. After our victory against Everton on Saturday, Leicester followed it up by scraping by a pretty poor Palace side, whilst the Spuds swept away a Bournemouth [...]

1 03, 2016

The last days of the crumbling empire?

By |2017-05-19T20:11:14+01:00March 1st, 2016|analogy, Arsenal, Arsene Wenger, gooners, Gunners, History, Rant|0 Comments

Arsène will have his pre match press conference today and whilst I'd love to start my speculation about who is available, how Swansea will play and what it will mean if we can get back in to winning ways, I am still somewhat resigned and downbeat after the defeat at United.  It has hit me [...]

5 02, 2016

I am a commodity, I am a currency, I am an Arsenal fan

By |2017-05-19T20:11:35+01:00February 5th, 2016|analogy, Arsenal, Arsenal FC, finances, gooners, Gunners, Rant|9 Comments

Today is Arsène's press conference and whilst I'd love to be able to be talking about football, I like many season ticket holders, have had the misfortune to receive an email from the club yesterday afternoon about the additional cash they will require me to fork out at the end of the season for the [...]

3 12, 2015

Arsenal should have squirrelled away more nuts by now

By |2017-05-19T20:11:42+01:00December 3rd, 2015|analogy, Arsenal, Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger, gooners, Gunners, midfield, premier league|0 Comments

If, as expected, Arsène confirms that Cazorla will be out for potentially three months or at least until up to March, then that would pretty much cap off what has been a pretty savage seven days for us. Sunday's point against Norwich started the bitter taste in my mouth, because two wins against West Brom [...]

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